Siempre escuchamos que casarse es una decisión difícil de tomar, yo mas bien creo que cuando encuentras a la persona correcta la decisión es muy fácil, no hay mucho que pensar, por que? pues por que sabes dentro de ti que ya no puedes estar lejos de esa persona, has encontrado con quien compartir alegrías y tristezas, triunfos y fracasos. es el caso de Michelle y Eliseo, una pareja muy comprometida  y con ganas de estar juntos toda la vida.

Una boda muy emotiva donde nos paseamos por todo mi hermoso San Miguel de Allende, que siempre nos regala fotos inolvidables,  amor , paz, compromiso, diversión esta es la boda de Mich y Eliseo mil gracias por permitirnos estar en ella, los queremos mucho…

It is said that getting married is a decision difficult to take. However I believe that when you meet the right person, this decision is an easy one as there is not much to think about: why would you? Because deep inside you know that you cannot bear to be separated from this person, you have found somebody with whom to share good and bad moments, successes and failures. This is the case with Michelle and Eliseo, a couple very committed and hoping to be together for the rest of their lives.

An emotional wedding, during which we passed through the beautiful San Miguel de Allende, a place that guarantees beautiful pictures: love, peace, commitance and fun. This was certainly the case for the wedding of Mich and Eliseo. Thanks so much for having us, we appreciate it and we love you all…