Me gusta hacer bodas cuando te sientes ya en familia con la pareja, Vero es prima de un par de hermanas a las que tuve el honor de disparar en sus bodas, tal vez es por esto que de inmediato formamos un ambiente de amistad y confianza, todo fluye y eso nos permite experimentar y hacer tiros un poco mas arriesgados, Agustín es todo un tipazo, una persona formidable y todo un caballero, Vero es un ángel de niña así que, que mas podíamos pedir?

Desde el momento que llegamos a casa de Vero se sentía la emoción por su boda, todos corriendo, planeando, riéndose, en fin la expectativa era grande y no era para menos…en la casa de Agustín un poco mas sobria la cosa, pero igual de emocionados, Agustín recibiendo los últimos consejos de su papa, la bendición por parte de su mama, esos son los momentos que le van dando forma al día de tu boda.

Una ceremonia sencilla, muy agradable y sincera, para después seguir con una sesión «on road» de camino a san miguel, y bueno los eventos Amieva mas el toque Sañedo, son formula segura de lo que una fiesta debe ser, súper buena vibra toda la noche, muchísimas felicidades V+A!!!!

I like doing weddings when you feel like you are part of the family of the couple. Vero is the cousin of a pair of sisters, of whom I had the honor of shooting their weddings. Maybe it is because of this that a familiar and friendly ambiance was created immediately, in which everything went smooth and that permitted us to experiment and shoot photos that were a bit more risky. Agustín is a great guy, a wonderful person and a real gentlemen and Vero is an angel of a girl… what more can we ask for?

From the moment we arrived at Vero´s house we could feel the excitement about her wedding, everybody was running around, planning, laughing… shortly said, the expectations of this day were enormous, and for a good reason. In Agustín´s house the ambience was a little more sober, but nevertheless still full of excitement. Agustín received the last tips from his father and his mom’s blessings… These are the moments that shape your wedding day.

It was a simple ceremony, very nice and sincere, which was followed by a session “on the road” on the way to San Miguel. Shortly said, the weddings of Amieva, and with a touch of Sañedo are a formula for how a party should be: a super good vibe all night long! Congratulations V+A!!

Lugar: San Miguel de Allende, Gto.

Wedding Planner: Jackeline Carmona